Project Monitoring
1. Wireless product using radio frequency and sold in US
2. If you first time to apply FCC, apply Grantee code and FRN?
If you are first time to apply FCC, you need to go to FCC website to apply a grantee code and FCC Registration Number (FRN) for Grantee/Applicant in FCC Certification application.
The grantee code, as specified in FCC section 2.926, is a three or five character alphanumeric string representing the Grantee/Applicant for certified product.
- Grantee Codes that begin with an alpha character (A-Z) consist of three characters.
- Grantee Codes that begin with a number (2-9) consist of five characters.
FRN application:
Grantee code application:

5. Laboratory Testing
Send the sample for laboratory testing and send the document to the laboratory for document review. The laboratory will do the testing according to FCC rule and review the documents for FCC certification. At the same time, the laboratory will ask the applicant to sign some document for FCC certification.
If the testing result is failed, applicant shall submit the modified sample for retest.
If the document does not meet the certification requirement, applicant shall modify the document according laboratory’s comment and resubmit them.