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Customer Story

How Anko improves product testing procedures with ICW solutions

Explore Anko’s product testing journey with ICW

Anko is Kmart Australia’s own-brand product line aimed at designing on-trend apparel and general merchandise for the global market. ICW’s solution helped Anko reduce time and manpower spent on communicating with laboratories for product testing.
ICW saves us a lot of time when we are shorthanded to handle the testing procedure… ICW saves us time communicating with factories and labs and obtaining compliance knowledge.
Manpower shortage for product testing and inefficient communication with laboratories.
Anko spends a lot of time and manpower communicating with laboratories for product testing, which lowers their efficiency.

Key challenges Anko faced before using ICW solutions:

  1. Unsure about how to get a pass result for their new product.
  2. Time-consuming and inconvenient to collect quotations from different laboratories.
  3. Lack of compliance knowledge for product testing.
Streamline product testing procedures and get technical support for compliance issues.

ANKO turned to ICW for solutions to streamline and improve the efficiency of their product testing procedure and get technical support to ensure successful product testing outcomes.

Lab Quotations & Book Product Testing Services

Get multiple quotations through ICW’s global laboratory network & book with the best price.

Professional Consultation

Get technical support regarding compliance concerns.

Find out more about ICW’s solutions here.

Reduced manpower & streamlined communication procedures with laboratories during the product testing process.

ICW saves us a lot of time when we are shorthanded to handle the testing procedure… ICW saves us time communicating with factories and labs and obtaining compliance knowledge.”

With ICW’s product testing quotation & booking service, Anko can get product testing quotations, book product testing, monitor product testing process and receive test reports without having internal staff to directly communicate with laboratories which saves them a lot of time and manpower. ICW’s technical support team will also ensure Anko’s products meet regulatory requirements by resolving any issues they may have.
About Anko
Anko is the global capability center for Kmart Group Australia

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